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Cette ressource fait partie du jeu de données Réseau urbain Forbus.
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dont le temps de réponse doit être inférieur à 5 secondes. Si nous détectons une indisponibilité, nous effectuons un nouveau test toutes les 10 minutes, jusqu'à ce que la ressource soit à nouveau disponible.Pour les flux SIRI et SIRI Lite, nous effectuons une requête HTTP de type
: nous considérons une réponse avec un code 401 ou 405 comme étant disponible. En cas d'erreur 500, nous considèrerons que le flux est indisponible, sauf si il semble contenir du SOAP.Rapport de validation
❌1 041 erreurs, 275 avertissements
Validation effectuée en utilisant le fichier GTFS en vigueur et le GTFS-RT, le 12/03/2025 à 08h00 Europe/Paris avec le validateur GTFS-RT de MobilityData.
GTFS-rt trip_id does not exist in GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED E003 8 erreurs
All trip_ids provided in the GTFS-rt feed must exist in the GTFS data, unless the schedule_relationship is ADDED
Exemples d'erreurs
- trip_id 9591047c-0f61-491b-b5c0-14f78e74ee9f does not exist in the GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED
- trip_id fa3b8792-bc16-4aa2-9341-515a6563633e does not exist in the GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED
- trip_id f9db1194-258a-42e8-94da-86e787440ad6 does not exist in the GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED
- trip_id 9172c81a-4f01-49b3-9e90-d7fc90735288 does not exist in the GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED
- trip_id 52604673-4412-4050-a10e-091279ee3aad does not exist in the GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED
GTFS-rt route_id does not exist in GTFS data E004 4 erreurs
All route_ids provided in the GTFS-rt feed must exist in the GTFS data
Exemples d'erreurs
- route_id 129 does not exist in the GTFS data routes.txt
- route_id 309 does not exist in the GTFS data routes.txt
- route_id 129 does not exist in the GTFS data routes.txt
- route_id 99 does not exist in the GTFS data routes.txt
GTFS-rt stop_id does not exist in GTFS data E011 182 erreurs
All stop_ids referenced in GTFS-rt feeds must exist in GTFS stops.txt
Exemples d'erreurs
- trip_id 9591047c-0f61-491b-b5c0-14f78e74ee9f stop_id STP-KERBACH02 does not exist in GTFS data stops.txt
- trip_id 9591047c-0f61-491b-b5c0-14f78e74ee9f stop_id STP-KERBLOT02 does not exist in GTFS data stops.txt
- trip_id 9591047c-0f61-491b-b5c0-14f78e74ee9f stop_id STP-KERBACHEGL02 does not exist in GTFS data stops.txt
- trip_id 9591047c-0f61-491b-b5c0-14f78e74ee9f stop_id STP-KERBREPOS02 does not exist in GTFS data stops.txt
- trip_id 9591047c-0f61-491b-b5c0-14f78e74ee9f stop_id STP-SARREGARE does not exist in GTFS data stops.txt
Sequential stop_time_update times are not increasing E022 299 erreurs
stop_time_update arrival/departure times between sequential stops should always increase - they should never be the same or decrease.
Exemples d'erreurs
- trip_id 58695814 stop_sequence 11 arrival_time 07:10:49 (1741759849) is less than previous stop arrival_time 08:02:17 (1741762937) - times must increase between two sequential stops
- trip_id 58695814 stop_sequence 11 arrival_time 07:10:49 (1741759849) is less than previous stop departure_time 08:02:17 (1741762937) - times must increase between two sequential stops
- trip_id 58696116 stop_sequence 12 arrival_time 08:21:11 (1741764071) is equal to previous stop arrival_time 08:21:11 (1741764071) - times must increase between two sequential stops
- trip_id 58696116 stop_sequence 12 arrival_time 08:21:11 (1741764071) is equal to previous stop departure_time 08:21:11 (1741764071) - times must increase between two sequential stops
- trip_id 58696116 stop_sequence 12 departure_time 08:21:11 (1741764071) is equal to previous stop departure_time 08:21:11 (1741764071) - times must increase between two sequential stops
stop_time_update departure time is before arrival time E025 2 erreurs
Within the same stop_time_update, arrival and departures times can be the same, or the departure time can be later than the arrival time - the departure time should never come before the arrival time.
Exemples d'erreurs
- trip_id 71fdea58-e6fa-4e97-86bc-5765fe030f87 stop_sequence 16 departure_time 08:00:01 (1741762801) is less than the same stop arrival_time 08:00:03 (1741762803) - departure time must be equal to or greater than arrival time
- trip_id 58696123 stop_sequence 8 departure_time 11:20:11 (1741774811) is less than the same stop arrival_time 11:21:11 (1741774871) - departure time must be equal to or greater than arrival time
Sequential stop_time_updates have the same stop_id E037 1 erreur
Sequential GTFS-rt trip stop_time_updates shouldn't have the same stop_id
Exemples d'erreurs
- trip_id f9db1194-258a-42e8-94da-86e787440ad6 has repeating stop_id STP-THEFOR01 at stop_sequence 10 - sequential stop_ids should be different
stop_time_update doesn't have arrival or departure E043 1 erreur
If a stop_time_update doesn't have a schedule_relationship of SKIPPED or NO_DATA, then either arrival or departure must be provided
Exemples d'erreurs
- trip_id 1b28310a-b636-454d-8521-8149cf6d6eff stop_sequence 1 doesn't have arrival or departure
GTFS-rt stop_time_update stop_sequence and stop_id do not match GTFS E045 522 erreurs
If GTFS-rt stop_time_update contains both stop_sequence and stop_id, the values must match the GTFS data in stop_times.txt
Exemples d'erreurs
- GTFS-rt trip_id 78c85a7e-5fe8-4529-a2f9-7377e98b4b88 stop_sequence 13 has stop_id 160956 but GTFS stop_sequence 13 has stop_id 160951 - stop_ids should be the same
- GTFS-rt trip_id 78c85a7e-5fe8-4529-a2f9-7377e98b4b88 stop_sequence 14 has stop_id 160951 but GTFS stop_sequence 14 has stop_id 160827 - stop_ids should be the same
- GTFS-rt trip_id 78c85a7e-5fe8-4529-a2f9-7377e98b4b88 stop_sequence 15 has stop_id 160827 but GTFS stop_sequence 15 has stop_id 160778 - stop_ids should be the same
- GTFS-rt trip_id 78c85a7e-5fe8-4529-a2f9-7377e98b4b88 stop_sequence 16 has stop_id 160778 but GTFS stop_sequence 16 has stop_id 160952 - stop_ids should be the same
- GTFS-rt trip_id 78c85a7e-5fe8-4529-a2f9-7377e98b4b88 stop_sequence 17 has stop_id 160952 but GTFS stop_sequence 17 has stop_id 160775 - stop_ids should be the same
GTFS-rt stop_sequence not found in GTFS data E051 22 erreurs
All stop_time_update stop_sequences in GTFS-realtime data must appear in GTFS stop_times.txt for that trip
Exemples d'erreurs
- GTFS-rt trip_id 18f6eb72-3e51-42d8-9cc3-fd45192fb008 contains stop_sequence 25 that does not exist in GTFS stop_times.txt for this trip
- GTFS-rt trip_id 58695882 contains stop_sequence 22 that does not exist in GTFS stop_times.txt for this trip
- GTFS-rt trip_id 58695854 contains stop_sequence 24 that does not exist in GTFS stop_times.txt for this trip
- GTFS-rt trip_id 9f8c9354-8f56-4f4f-8aec-64aacc04de9a contains stop_sequence 15 that does not exist in GTFS stop_times.txt for this trip
- GTFS-rt trip_id dccd697a-5573-4a5b-b71f-0d40889e76c2 contains stop_sequence 24 that does not exist in GTFS stop_times.txt for this trip
timestamp not populated W001 149 erreurs
Timestamps should be populated for all elements
Exemples d'erreurs
- trip_id 9591047c-0f61-491b-b5c0-14f78e74ee9f does not have a timestamp
- trip_id 78c85a7e-5fe8-4529-a2f9-7377e98b4b88 does not have a timestamp
- trip_id fa3b8792-bc16-4aa2-9341-515a6563633e does not have a timestamp
- trip_id 2cd05589-79eb-42cf-82bd-7d24b8426a4a does not have a timestamp
- trip_id f9db1194-258a-42e8-94da-86e787440ad6 does not have a timestamp
vehicle_id not populated W002 126 erreurs
vehicle_id should be populated for TripUpdates and VehiclePositions
Exemples d'erreurs
- trip_id 75841ecc-bc32-418d-b364-f35580fe8262 does not have a vehicle_id
- trip_id 8239790d-7f8d-4c78-9fa7-329aa6571e8b does not have a vehicle_id
- trip_id 451c90e9-4e1c-46dc-9d7a-34a202c88594 does not have a vehicle_id
- trip_id 772bdacc-ffed-4879-a56d-30bed22c4bda does not have a vehicle_id
- trip_id 8a969fdb-4664-4840-95bc-71be21029a31 does not have a vehicle_id
Validations précédentes
Voici un récapitulatif des différents types d'erreurs constatés au cours des 30 derniers jours.
Identifiant d'erreur | Description | Nombre d'erreurs | Nombre d'occurences |
E003 | All trip_ids provided in the GTFS-rt feed must exist in the GTFS data, unless the schedule_relationship is ADDED | 120 | 26 fois (87 % des validations) |
E011 | All stop_ids referenced in GTFS-rt feeds must exist in GTFS stops.txt | 4 040 | 26 fois (87 % des validations) |
E022 | stop_time_update arrival/departure times between sequential stops should always increase - they should never be the same or decrease. | 7 700 | 26 fois (87 % des validations) |
E025 | Within the same stop_time_update, arrival and departures times can be the same, or the departure time can be later than the arrival time - the departure time should never come before the arrival time. | 43 | 26 fois (87 % des validations) |
E045 | If GTFS-rt stop_time_update contains both stop_sequence and stop_id, the values must match the GTFS data in stop_times.txt | 12 664 | 26 fois (87 % des validations) |
E051 | All stop_time_update stop_sequences in GTFS-realtime data must appear in GTFS stop_times.txt for that trip | 572 | 26 fois (87 % des validations) |
W001 | Timestamps should be populated for all elements | 3 418 | 26 fois (87 % des validations) |
W002 | vehicle_id should be populated for TripUpdates and VehiclePositions | 3 018 | 26 fois (87 % des validations) |
E004 | All route_ids provided in the GTFS-rt feed must exist in the GTFS data | 50 | 25 fois (83 % des validations) |
E043 | If a stop_time_update doesn't have a schedule_relationship of SKIPPED or NO_DATA, then either arrival or departure must be provided | 15 | 14 fois (47 % des validations) |
E037 | Sequential GTFS-rt trip stop_time_updates shouldn't have the same stop_id | 7 | 7 fois (23 % des validations) |
E023 | For normal scheduled trips (i.e., not defined in frequencies.txt), the GTFS-realtime trip start_time must match the first GTFS arrival_time in stop_times.txt for this trip | 6 | 6 fois (20 % des validations) |
Contenu du flux GTFS-RT
Entités présentes dans ce flux le 13/03/2025 à 03h58 Europe/Paris.
service_alerts (0) trip_updates (0) vehicle_positions (0)Entités présentes dans ce flux lors des 7 derniers jours.
trip_updatesFlux GTFS-RT décodé
Voir le contenu du flux
Voici le flux GTFS-RT décodé au format Protobuf le 13/03/2025 à 03h58 Europe/Paris. Vous pouvez consulter la documentation GTFS-RT.
"header": {
"gtfs_realtime_version": "2.0",
"timestamp": "1741834720"