Resource details

File name: Base de données multimodale des horaires aux arrêts des réseaux de transport public normands en temps réel
Format: gtfs-rt

La base de données multimodale présente de manière agrégée les horaires et les arrêts des réseaux de transport public normands en temps réel. Elle est le support du calculateur d’itinéraires, piloté par le Syndicat mixte Atoumod.

This resource file is part of the dataset Agrégat de réseaux urbains et interurbains de Normandie.

Download availability

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We test this resource download availability every hour by making an HTTP HEAD request with a timeout of 5 seconds. If we detect a downtime, we perform subsequent tests every 10 minutes, until the resource is back online.

For SIRI and SIRI Lite feeds, we perform a GET request: a 401 or 405 status code is considered successful. In case of HTTP 500, the feed will be considered unavailable, unless the body appears to contain SOAP.

Validation details

17 986 errors, 1 758 warnings

Shapes present in the GTFS have been ignored, some rules are not enforced.

Validation carried out using the current GTFS file and the GTFS-RT the 2025-03-12 at 08:11 Europe/Paris using the MobilityData GTFS-RT validator.


stop_times_updates not strictly sorted E002 487 errors

stop_time_updates for a given trip_id must be strictly sorted by increasing stop_sequence

Sample errors
  • trip_id ATOUMOD005:ServiceJourney:151:LOC stop_sequence [9, 5] is not strictly sorted by increasing stop_sequence
  • trip_id ATOUMOD005:ServiceJourney:395:LOC stop_sequence [28, 15] is not strictly sorted by increasing stop_sequence
  • trip_id ATOUMOD035:ServiceJourney:3723909x2024xHxMultxMexMercredix01:LOC stop_sequence [23, 7] is not strictly sorted by increasing stop_sequence
  • trip_id ATOUMOD035:ServiceJourney:3726999x2024xHxMultxMexMercredix01:LOC stop_sequence [3, 13, 1] is not strictly sorted by increasing stop_sequence
  • trip_id ATOUMOD001:ServiceJourney:33550:LOC stop_sequence [13, 12] is not strictly sorted by increasing stop_sequence

GTFS-rt trip_id does not exist in GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED E003 143 errors

All trip_ids provided in the GTFS-rt feed must exist in the GTFS data, unless the schedule_relationship is ADDED

Sample errors
  • trip_id ATOUMOD002:ServiceJourney:OCESN850402F1631755x2025x02x25T22x43x12Z:LOC does not exist in the GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED
  • trip_id ATOUMOD002:ServiceJourney:OCESN850606F1631802x2025x02x25T22x43x12Z:LOC does not exist in the GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED
  • trip_id ATOUMOD002:ServiceJourney:OCESN850018F1677597x2025x02x25T22x43x12Z:LOC does not exist in the GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED
  • trip_id ATOUMOD002:ServiceJourney:OCESN16550F1712030x2025x02x27T22x39x18Z:LOC does not exist in the GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED
  • trip_id ATOUMOD036:ServiceJourney:4757707174182912x0:LOC does not exist in the GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED

GTFS-rt route_id does not exist in GTFS data E004 81 errors

All route_ids provided in the GTFS-rt feed must exist in the GTFS data

Sample errors
  • route_id ATOUMOD007:Line:21:LOC does not exist in the GTFS data routes.txt
  • route_id ATOUMOD007:Line:24:LOC does not exist in the GTFS data routes.txt
  • route_id ATOUMOD007:Line:25:LOC does not exist in the GTFS data routes.txt
  • route_id ATOUMOD035:Line:1B:LOC does not exist in the GTFS data routes.txt
  • route_id ATOUMOD036:Line:6534775729815552:LOC does not exist in the GTFS data routes.txt

GTFS-rt stop_id does not exist in GTFS data E011 633 errors

All stop_ids referenced in GTFS-rt feeds must exist in GTFS stops.txt

Sample errors
  • trip_id ATOUMOD007:ServiceJourney:305:LOC stop_id FR:27681:ZE:10035:ATOUMOD007 does not exist in GTFS data stops.txt
  • trip_id ATOUMOD007:ServiceJourney:305:LOC stop_id FR:27681:ZE:11000:ATOUMOD007 does not exist in GTFS data stops.txt
  • trip_id ATOUMOD007:ServiceJourney:305:LOC stop_id FR:27562:ZE:10052:ATOUMOD007 does not exist in GTFS data stops.txt
  • trip_id ATOUMOD007:ServiceJourney:305:LOC stop_id FR:27681:ZE:65000:ATOUMOD007 does not exist in GTFS data stops.txt
  • trip_id ATOUMOD007:ServiceJourney:305:LOC stop_id FR:27681:ZE:29097:ATOUMOD007 does not exist in GTFS data stops.txt

Sequential stop_time_update times are not increasing E022 15 477 errors

stop_time_update arrival/departure times between sequential stops should always increase - they should never be the same or decrease.

Sample errors
  • trip_id ATOUMOD005:ServiceJourney:151:LOC stop_sequence 5 arrival_time 08:12:00 (1741763520) is less than previous stop arrival_time 08:16:00 (1741763760) - times must increase between two sequential stops
  • trip_id ATOUMOD005:ServiceJourney:151:LOC stop_sequence 5 arrival_time 08:12:00 (1741763520) is less than previous stop departure_time 08:16:00 (1741763760) - times must increase between two sequential stops
  • trip_id ATOUMOD005:ServiceJourney:151:LOC stop_sequence 5 departure_time 08:12:00 (1741763520) is less than previous stop departure_time 08:16:00 (1741763760) - times must increase between two sequential stops
  • trip_id ATOUMOD005:ServiceJourney:151:LOC stop_sequence 5 departure_time 08:12:00 (1741763520) is less than previous stop arrival_time 08:16:00 (1741763760) - times must increase between two sequential stops
  • trip_id ATOUMOD005:ServiceJourney:151:LOC stop_sequence 4 arrival_time 08:09:00 (1741763340) is less than previous stop arrival_time 08:12:00 (1741763520) - times must increase between two sequential stops

trip direction_id does not match GTFS data E024 377 errors

GTFS-rt trip direction_id must match the direction_id in GTFS trips.txt

Sample errors
  • GTFS-rt trip_id ATOUMOD005:ServiceJourney:151:LOC trip.direction_id is 1 but GTFS trip.direction_id is 0 - direction_id does not match
  • GTFS-rt trip_id ATOUMOD005:ServiceJourney:395:LOC trip.direction_id is 1 but GTFS trip.direction_id is 0 - direction_id does not match
  • GTFS-rt trip_id ATOUMOD035:ServiceJourney:3723909x2024xHxMultxMexMercredix01:LOC trip.direction_id is 2 but GTFS trip.direction_id is 1 - direction_id does not match
  • GTFS-rt trip_id ATOUMOD035:ServiceJourney:3726999x2024xHxMultxMexMercredix01:LOC trip.direction_id is 1 but GTFS trip.direction_id is 0 - direction_id does not match
  • GTFS-rt trip_id ATOUMOD001:ServiceJourney:33550:LOC trip.direction_id is 1 but GTFS trip.direction_id is 0 - direction_id does not match

stop_time_update departure time is before arrival time E025 23 errors

Within the same stop_time_update, arrival and departures times can be the same, or the departure time can be later than the arrival time - the departure time should never come before the arrival time.

Sample errors
  • trip_id ATOUMOD035:ServiceJourney:3664250x2024xHxMultxMexMercredix01:LOC stop_sequence 30 departure_time 08:09:00 (1741763340) is less than the same stop arrival_time 08:09:21 (1741763361) - departure time must be equal to or greater than arrival time
  • trip_id ATOUMOD035:ServiceJourney:3664299x2024xHxMultxMexMercredix01:LOC stop_sequence 21 departure_time 08:08:00 (1741763280) is less than the same stop arrival_time 08:09:01 (1741763341) - departure time must be equal to or greater than arrival time
  • trip_id ATOUMOD035:ServiceJourney:3664091x2024xHxMultxMexMercredix01:LOC stop_sequence 10 departure_time 05:33:00 (1741753980) is less than the same stop arrival_time 05:33:35 (1741754015) - departure time must be equal to or greater than arrival time
  • trip_id ATOUMOD035:ServiceJourney:3664091x2024xHxMultxMexMercredix01:LOC stop_sequence 22 departure_time 05:45:00 (1741754700) is less than the same stop arrival_time 05:45:42 (1741754742) - departure time must be equal to or greater than arrival time
  • trip_id ATOUMOD035:ServiceJourney:3664091x2024xHxMultxMexMercredix01:LOC stop_sequence 7 departure_time 05:30:00 (1741753800) is less than the same stop arrival_time 05:30:43 (1741753843) - departure time must be equal to or greater than arrival time

GTFS-rt trip.trip_id does not belong to GTFS-rt trip.route_id in GTFS trips.txt E035 102 errors

The GTFS-rt trip.trip_id should belong to the specified trip.route_id in GTFS trips.txt

Sample errors
  • GTFS-rt entity ID SM:ATOUMOD001:ServiceJourney:33550:LOC trip_id ATOUMOD001:ServiceJourney:33550:LOC has route_id ATOUMOD001:Line:27:LOC but belongs to GTFS route_id ATOUMOD001:Line:20:LOC in GTFS trips.txt
  • GTFS-rt entity ID SM:ATOUMOD001:ServiceJourney:27242:LOC trip_id ATOUMOD001:ServiceJourney:27242:LOC has route_id ATOUMOD001:Line:03:LOC but belongs to GTFS route_id ATOUMOD001:Line:02:LOC in GTFS trips.txt
  • GTFS-rt entity ID SM:ATOUMOD001:ServiceJourney:31370:LOC trip_id ATOUMOD001:ServiceJourney:31370:LOC has route_id ATOUMOD001:Line:10:LOC but belongs to GTFS route_id ATOUMOD001:Line:08:LOC in GTFS trips.txt
  • GTFS-rt entity ID SM:ATOUMOD001:ServiceJourney:27164:LOC trip_id ATOUMOD001:ServiceJourney:27164:LOC has route_id ATOUMOD001:Line:03:LOC but belongs to GTFS route_id ATOUMOD001:Line:02:LOC in GTFS trips.txt
  • GTFS-rt entity ID SM:ATOUMOD001:ServiceJourney:32927:LOC trip_id ATOUMOD001:ServiceJourney:32927:LOC has route_id ATOUMOD001:Line:20:LOC but belongs to GTFS route_id ATOUMOD001:Line:13:LOC in GTFS trips.txt

GTFS-rt stop_time_update stop_sequence and stop_id do not match GTFS E045 284 errors

If GTFS-rt stop_time_update contains both stop_sequence and stop_id, the values must match the GTFS data in stop_times.txt

Sample errors
  • GTFS-rt trip_id ATOUMOD001:ServiceJourney:33550:LOC stop_sequence 13 has stop_id FR:76498:ZE:10643:ATOUMOD001 but GTFS stop_sequence 13 has stop_id FR:76095:ZE:11138:ATOUMOD001 - stop_ids should be the same
  • GTFS-rt trip_id ATOUMOD036:ServiceJourney:5992853852389376x4:LOC stop_sequence 21 has stop_id FR:14366:ZE:650570001:ATOUMOD036 but GTFS stop_sequence 21 has stop_id FR:14366:ZE:35170002:ATOUMOD036 - stop_ids should be the same
  • GTFS-rt trip_id ATOUMOD035:ServiceJourney:3663597x2024xHxMultxMexMercredix01:LOC stop_sequence 18 has stop_id FR:50129:ZE:10BUC2:ATOUMOD035 but GTFS stop_sequence 18 has stop_id FR:50129:ZE:10ARS4:ATOUMOD035 - stop_ids should be the same
  • GTFS-rt trip_id ATOUMOD035:ServiceJourney:3663597x2024xHxMultxMexMercredix01:LOC stop_sequence 19 has stop_id FR:50129:ZE:10ARS4:ATOUMOD035 but GTFS stop_sequence 19 has stop_id FR:50129:ZE:10HDI4:ATOUMOD035 - stop_ids should be the same
  • GTFS-rt trip_id ATOUMOD001:ServiceJourney:27242:LOC stop_sequence 3 has stop_id FR:76484:ZE:11927:ATOUMOD001 but GTFS stop_sequence 3 has stop_id FR:76540:ZE:13405:ATOUMOD001 - stop_ids should be the same

GTFS-rt stop_sequence not found in GTFS data E051 379 errors

All stop_time_update stop_sequences in GTFS-realtime data must appear in GTFS stop_times.txt for that trip

Sample errors
  • GTFS-rt trip_id ATOUMOD005:ServiceJourney:151:LOC contains stop_sequence 5 that does not exist in GTFS stop_times.txt for this trip
  • GTFS-rt trip_id ATOUMOD005:ServiceJourney:395:LOC contains stop_sequence 15 that does not exist in GTFS stop_times.txt for this trip
  • GTFS-rt trip_id ATOUMOD035:ServiceJourney:3723909x2024xHxMultxMexMercredix01:LOC contains stop_sequence 7 that does not exist in GTFS stop_times.txt for this trip
  • GTFS-rt trip_id ATOUMOD035:ServiceJourney:3726999x2024xHxMultxMexMercredix01:LOC contains stop_sequence 1 that does not exist in GTFS stop_times.txt for this trip
  • GTFS-rt trip_id ATOUMOD001:ServiceJourney:33550:LOC contains stop_sequence 12 that does not exist in GTFS stop_times.txt for this trip


vehicle_id not populated W002 588 errors

vehicle_id should be populated for TripUpdates and VehiclePositions

Sample errors
  • trip_id ATOUMOD005:ServiceJourney:151:LOC does not have a vehicle_id
  • trip_id ATOUMOD005:ServiceJourney:395:LOC does not have a vehicle_id
  • trip_id ATOUMOD035:ServiceJourney:3723909x2024xHxMultxMexMercredix01:LOC does not have a vehicle_id
  • trip_id ATOUMOD035:ServiceJourney:3726999x2024xHxMultxMexMercredix01:LOC does not have a vehicle_id
  • trip_id ATOUMOD001:ServiceJourney:33550:LOC does not have a vehicle_id

schedule_relationship not populated W009 1 170 errors

trip.schedule_relationship and stop_time_update.schedule_relationship should be populated

Sample errors
  • trip_id ATOUMOD005:ServiceJourney:151:LOC stop_sequence 9 (and potentially more for this trip) does not have a schedule_relationship
  • trip_id ATOUMOD005:ServiceJourney:151:LOC does not have a schedule_relationship
  • trip_id ATOUMOD005:ServiceJourney:395:LOC stop_sequence 28 (and potentially more for this trip) does not have a schedule_relationship
  • trip_id ATOUMOD005:ServiceJourney:395:LOC does not have a schedule_relationship
  • trip_id ATOUMOD035:ServiceJourney:3723909x2024xHxMultxMexMercredix01:LOC stop_sequence 23 (and potentially more for this trip) does not have a schedule_relationship
Validate this GTFS-RT now

Previous validations

Here is a recap of all the error types encountered over the last 30 days.

Error ID Description Errors count Number of occurences
E002 stop_time_updates for a given trip_id must be strictly sorted by increasing stop_sequence 9 460 29 times (97 % of validations)
E003 All trip_ids provided in the GTFS-rt feed must exist in the GTFS data, unless the schedule_relationship is ADDED 2 262 29 times (97 % of validations)
E004 All route_ids provided in the GTFS-rt feed must exist in the GTFS data 1 639 29 times (97 % of validations)
E011 All stop_ids referenced in GTFS-rt feeds must exist in GTFS stops.txt 15 926 29 times (97 % of validations)
E022 stop_time_update arrival/departure times between sequential stops should always increase - they should never be the same or decrease. 323 419 29 times (97 % of validations)
E024 GTFS-rt trip direction_id must match the direction_id in GTFS trips.txt 7 805 29 times (97 % of validations)
E045 If GTFS-rt stop_time_update contains both stop_sequence and stop_id, the values must match the GTFS data in stop_times.txt 5 774 29 times (97 % of validations)
E051 All stop_time_update stop_sequences in GTFS-realtime data must appear in GTFS stop_times.txt for that trip 7 665 29 times (97 % of validations)
W002 vehicle_id should be populated for TripUpdates and VehiclePositions 11 219 29 times (97 % of validations)
W009 trip.schedule_relationship and stop_time_update.schedule_relationship should be populated 22 346 29 times (97 % of validations)
E025 Within the same stop_time_update, arrival and departures times can be the same, or the departure time can be later than the arrival time - the departure time should never come before the arrival time. 933 27 times (90 % of validations)
E035 The GTFS-rt trip.trip_id should belong to the specified trip.route_id in GTFS trips.txt 1 478 23 times (77 % of validations)
E037 Sequential GTFS-rt trip stop_time_updates shouldn't have the same stop_id 11 7 times (23 % of validations)

GTFS-RT feed content


Entities present in this feed at 2025-03-13 at 03:58 Europe/Paris.

service_alerts (0) trip_updates (0) vehicle_positions (0)

Entities seen in the last 7 days.


Decoded GTFS-RT feed

See full payload

Here is the decoded GTFS-RT feed Protobuf at 2025-03-13 at 03:58 Europe/Paris. You can look at the GTFS-RT documentation.

{ "header": { "gtfs_realtime_version": "1.0", "timestamp": "1741834720" } }