Détails de la ressource
Cette ressource fait partie du jeu de données Réseau urbain Grandole Mobilités.
Disponibilité au téléchargement
En savoir plus
dont le temps de réponse doit être inférieur à 5 secondes. Si nous détectons une indisponibilité, nous effectuons un nouveau test toutes les 10 minutes, jusqu'à ce que la ressource soit à nouveau disponible.Pour les flux SIRI et SIRI Lite, nous effectuons une requête HTTP de type
: nous considérons une réponse avec un code 401 ou 405 comme étant disponible. En cas d'erreur 500, nous considèrerons que le flux est indisponible, sauf si il semble contenir du SOAP.Rapport de validation
⚠️89 avertissements
Validation effectuée en utilisant le fichier GTFS en vigueur et le GTFS-RT, le 20/12/2024 à 08h02 Europe/Paris avec le validateur GTFS-RT de MobilityData.
vehicle_id not populated W002 89 erreurs
vehicle_id should be populated for TripUpdates and VehiclePositions
Exemples d'erreurs
- trip_id 10147 does not have a vehicle_id
- trip_id 10150 does not have a vehicle_id
- trip_id 20136 does not have a vehicle_id
- trip_id 10151 does not have a vehicle_id
- trip_id 10148 does not have a vehicle_id
Validations précédentes
Voici un récapitulatif des différents types d'erreurs constatés au cours des 30 derniers jours.
Identifiant d'erreur | Description | Nombre d'erreurs | Nombre d'occurences |
W002 | vehicle_id should be populated for TripUpdates and VehiclePositions | 1 606 | 25 fois (83 % des validations) |
E011 | All stop_ids referenced in GTFS-rt feeds must exist in GTFS stops.txt | 1 | 1 fois (3 % des validations) |
E045 | If GTFS-rt stop_time_update contains both stop_sequence and stop_id, the values must match the GTFS data in stop_times.txt | 1 | 1 fois (3 % des validations) |
Contenu du flux GTFS-RT
Entités présentes dans ce flux le 21/12/2024 à 18h07 Europe/Paris.
trip_updates (11) service_alerts (0) vehicle_positions (0)Entités présentes dans ce flux lors des 7 derniers jours.
trip_updatesFlux GTFS-RT décodé
Voir le contenu du flux
Voici le flux GTFS-RT décodé au format Protobuf le 21/12/2024 à 18h07 Europe/Paris. Vous pouvez consulter la documentation GTFS-RT.
"entity": [
"id": "463604",
"trip_update": {
"stop_time_update": [
"arrival": {
"time": "1734799800"
"departure": {
"delay": 5,
"time": "1734799805"
"stop_id": "DOLGARE1",
"stop_sequence": 1
"arrival": {
"time": "1734799860"
"departure": {
"delay": 5,
"time": "1734799865"
"stop_id": "DOLROLA1",
"stop_sequence": 2
"arrival": {
"delay": -60,
"time": "1734799980"
"departure": {
"delay": -55,
"time": "1734799985"
"stop_id": "DOLTHEA2",
"stop_sequence": 3
"arrival": {
"time": "1734800100"
"departure": {
"delay": 5,
"time": "1734800105"
"stop_id": "DOLBARB2",
"stop_sequence": 4
"arrival": {
"delay": -60,
"time": "1734800160"
"departure": {
"delay": -55,
"time": "1734800165"
"stop_id": "DOLBEAU2",
"stop_sequence": 5
"arrival": {
"time": "1734800280"
"departure": {
"delay": 5,
"time": "1734800285"
"stop_id": "DOLCORN2",
"stop_sequence": 6
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"time": "1734800340"
"departure": {
"delay": 5,
"time": "1734800345"
"stop_id": "DOLSOFR2",
"stop_sequence": 7
"arrival": {
"delay": -60,
"time": "1734800400"
"departure": {
"delay": -55,
"time": "1734800405"
"stop_id": "DOLDUHA2",
"stop_sequence": 8
"arrival": {
"delay": -120,
"time": "1734800460"
"departure": {
"delay": -115,
"time": "1734800465"
"stop_id": "DOLTHOU2",
"stop_sequence": 9
"arrival": {
"delay": -60,
"time": "1734800580"
"departure": {
"delay": -55,
"time": "1734800585"
"stop_id": "FCHROU12",
"stop_sequence": 10
"arrival": {
"delay": -60,
"time": "1734800640"
"departure": {
"delay": -55,
"time": "1734800645"
"stop_id": "FCHMARR2",
"stop_sequence": 11
"arrival": {
"time": "1734800760"
"departure": {
"delay": 5,
"time": "1734800765"
"stop_id": "FCHCOMM2",
"stop_sequence": 12
"arrival": {
"delay": -50,
"time": "1734800770"
"departure": {
"delay": -45,
"time": "1734800775"
"stop_id": "FCHPOST2",
"stop_sequence": 13
"arrival": {
"delay": -60,
"time": "1734800880",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 14
"arrival": {
"delay": -60,
"time": "1734801120",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 15
"arrival": {
"delay": -60,
"time": "1734801180",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 16
"arrival": {
"delay": -60,
"time": "1734801240",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 17
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"delay": -60,
"time": "1734801360",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 18
"arrival": {
"delay": -60,
"time": "1734801420",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 19
"arrival": {
"delay": -60,
"time": "1734801540",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 20
"arrival": {
"delay": -60,
"time": "1734801600",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 21
"arrival": {
"delay": -60,
"time": "1734801720",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 22
"arrival": {
"delay": -60,
"time": "1734801780",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 23
"arrival": {
"delay": -60,
"time": "1734801840",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 24
"arrival": {
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"time": "1734801960",
"uncertainty": 100
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"time": "1734802080",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 26
"arrival": {
"delay": -120,
"time": "1734802140",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 27
"timestamp": "1734800828",
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"trip_update": {
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"time": "1734800405"
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"time": "1734800410"
"departure": {
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"time": "1734800415"
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"stop_sequence": 2
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"time": "1734800520"
"departure": {
"delay": -115,
"time": "1734800525"
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"stop_sequence": 3
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"time": "1734800640"
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"time": "1734800645"
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"stop_sequence": 4
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"time": "1734800760"
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"time": "1734800765"
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"stop_sequence": 5
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"time": "1734800820",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 6
"arrival": {
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"time": "1734800880",
"uncertainty": 100
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"delay": -175,
"time": "1734800885",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 8
"arrival": {
"delay": -180,
"time": "1734801000",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 9
"arrival": {
"delay": -295,
"time": "1734801005",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 10
"arrival": {
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"time": "1734801060",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 11
"arrival": {
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"time": "1734801120",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 12
"arrival": {
"delay": -300,
"time": "1734801240",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 13
"arrival": {
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"time": "1734801420",
"uncertainty": 100
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"time": "1734801480",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 15
"arrival": {
"delay": -360,
"time": "1734801540",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 16
"arrival": {
"delay": -360,
"time": "1734801600",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 17
"arrival": {
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"time": "1734801660",
"uncertainty": 100
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"time": "1734801720",
"uncertainty": 100
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"arrival": {
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"time": "1734801900",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 20
"arrival": {
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"time": "1734801960",
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"time": "1734802020",
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"arrival": {
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"time": "1734802080",
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"stop_sequence": 23
"arrival": {
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"time": "1734802260",
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"time": "1734802320",
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"arrival": {
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"time": "1734802380",
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"arrival": {
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"time": "1734802440",
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"time": "1734802445",
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"id": "472262",
"trip_update": {
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"time": "1734801900",
"uncertainty": 100
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"arrival": {
"time": "1734801960",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 2
"arrival": {
"time": "1734802020",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 3
"arrival": {
"time": "1734802140",
"uncertainty": 100
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"arrival": {
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"arrival": {
"time": "1734802440",
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"arrival": {
"time": "1734802500",
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"time": "1734802560",
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"stop_sequence": 8
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"time": "1734802620",
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"stop_sequence": 9
"arrival": {
"time": "1734802740",
"uncertainty": 100
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"arrival": {
"time": "1734802800",
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"arrival": {
"time": "1734802920",
"uncertainty": 100
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"arrival": {
"time": "1734803160",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 13
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"uncertainty": 100
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"arrival": {
"time": "1734803280",
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"arrival": {
"time": "1734803340",
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"arrival": {
"time": "1734803460",
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"stop_sequence": 17
"arrival": {
"time": "1734803580",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 18
"arrival": {
"time": "1734803640",
"uncertainty": 100
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"arrival": {
"time": "1734803700",
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"arrival": {
"time": "1734803760",
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"arrival": {
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"time": "1734803765",
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"stop_sequence": 22
"arrival": {
"time": "1734803820",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 23
"arrival": {
"time": "1734803880",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 24
"arrival": {
"time": "1734803940",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 25
"arrival": {
"time": "1734804060",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 26
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"trip": {
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"id": "472481",
"trip_update": {
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"time": "1734799500"
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"time": "1734799620"
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"stop_sequence": 1
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"time": "1734799680"
"departure": {
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"time": "1734799685"
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"stop_sequence": 2
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"delay": 180,
"time": "1734799800"
"departure": {
"delay": 185,
"time": "1734799805"
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"stop_sequence": 3
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"delay": 120,
"time": "1734799860"
"departure": {
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"time": "1734799865"
"stop_id": "DOLYLIE1",
"stop_sequence": 4
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"time": "1734799920"
"departure": {
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"time": "1734799925"
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"stop_sequence": 5
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"time": "1734800040"
"departure": {
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"time": "1734800045"
"stop_id": "DOLPNOV1",
"stop_sequence": 6
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"delay": 60,
"time": "1734800160"
"departure": {
"delay": 65,
"time": "1734800165"
"stop_id": "DOLFOCH1",
"stop_sequence": 7
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"delay": 10,
"time": "1734800170"
"departure": {
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"time": "1734800175"
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"stop_sequence": 8
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"time": "1734800220"
"departure": {
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"time": "1734800225"
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"time": "1734800340"
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"time": "1734800345"
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"stop_sequence": 10
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"time": "1734800460"
"departure": {
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"time": "1734800465"
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"stop_sequence": 11
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"time": "1734800520"
"departure": {
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"time": "1734800525"
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"stop_sequence": 12
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"time": "1734800700"
"departure": {
"delay": -55,
"time": "1734800705"
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"stop_sequence": 13
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"time": "1734800820",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 14
"arrival": {
"time": "1734800880",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 15
"arrival": {
"time": "1734800940",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 16
"arrival": {
"time": "1734801060",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 17
"arrival": {
"time": "1734801180",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 18
"arrival": {
"time": "1734801240",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 19
"arrival": {
"time": "1734801300",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 20
"arrival": {
"time": "1734801360",
"uncertainty": 100
"stop_id": "DOLCIM11",
"stop_sequence": 21
"arrival": {
"delay": 5,
"time": "1734801365",
"uncertainty": 100
"stop_id": "DOLVERN1",
"stop_sequence": 22
"arrival": {
"time": "1734801420",
"uncertainty": 100
"stop_id": "DOLBUGN1",
"stop_sequence": 23
"arrival": {
"time": "1734801480",
"uncertainty": 100
"stop_id": "DOLDEFO1",
"stop_sequence": 24
"arrival": {
"time": "1734801540",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 25
"arrival": {
"time": "1734801660",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 26
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"trip": {
"trip_id": "10231"
"vehicle": {
"label": "209126"
"id": "472535",
"trip_update": {
"stop_time_update": [
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"time": "1734804300",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 1
"arrival": {
"time": "1734804360",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 2
"arrival": {
"time": "1734804420",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 3
"arrival": {
"time": "1734804540",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 4
"arrival": {
"time": "1734804660",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 5
"arrival": {
"time": "1734804780",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 6
"arrival": {
"time": "1734804840",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 7
"arrival": {
"time": "1734804900",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 8
"arrival": {
"delay": 5,
"time": "1734804905",
"uncertainty": 100
"stop_id": "DOLDESC1",
"stop_sequence": 9
"arrival": {
"time": "1734805020",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 10
"arrival": {
"time": "1734805080",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 11
"arrival": {
"time": "1734805140",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 12
"arrival": {
"time": "1734805320",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 13
"arrival": {
"time": "1734805380",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 14
"arrival": {
"time": "1734805440",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 15
"arrival": {
"time": "1734805500",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 16
"arrival": {
"time": "1734805620",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 17
"arrival": {
"time": "1734805740",
"uncertainty": 100
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"stop_sequence": 18
"arrival": {
"time": "1734805800",
"uncertainty": 100
"stop_id": "DOLKENN1",
"stop_sequence": 19
"arrival": {
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"stop_sequence": 19
"arrival": {
"time": "1734804660",
"uncertainty": 100
"stop_id": "DOLDESC1",
"stop_sequence": 20
"arrival": {
"time": "1734804840",
"uncertainty": 100
"stop_id": "DOLDUHA1",
"stop_sequence": 21
"timestamp": "1734786369",
"trip": {
"trip_id": "30218"
"vehicle": {}
"header": {
"gtfs_realtime_version": "2.0",
"timestamp": "1734800846"