Resource details
This resource file is part of the dataset Réseau urbain Pass'O.
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request with a timeout of 5 seconds. If we detect a downtime, we perform subsequent tests every 10 minutes, until the resource is back online.For SIRI and SIRI Lite feeds, we perform a
request: a 401 or 405 status code is considered successful. In case of HTTP 500, the feed will be considered unavailable, unless the body appears to contain SOAP.Validation details
❌1 error, 4 warnings
Validation carried out using the current GTFS file and the GTFS-RT the 2025-01-30 at 08:02 Europe/Paris using the MobilityData GTFS-RT validator.
GTFS-rt trip_id does not exist in GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED E003 1 error
All trip_ids provided in the GTFS-rt feed must exist in the GTFS data, unless the schedule_relationship is ADDED
Sample errors
- trip_id 14330 does not exist in the GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED
vehicle_id not populated W002 1 error
vehicle_id should be populated for TripUpdates and VehiclePositions
Sample errors
- trip_id 14330 does not have a vehicle_id
Header timestamp is older than 65 seconds W008 1 error
The data in a GTFS-realtime feed should always be less than one minute old
Sample errors
- header.timestamp is 233164 min 54 sec old which is greater than the recommended age of 65 seconds
schedule_relationship not populated W009 2 errors
trip.schedule_relationship and stop_time_update.schedule_relationship should be populated
Sample errors
- trip_id 14330 stop_sequence 12 (and potentially more for this trip) does not have a schedule_relationship
- trip_id 14330 does not have a schedule_relationship
GTFS-RT feed content
Could not decode the GTFS-RT feed.
The GTFS-RT feed should be accessible over HTTP, without authentication and use the Protobuf format.