Resource details
Horaires en temps réel des lignes urbaines et intercommunales du réseau de mobilité Cap Cotentin de la Communauté d’agglomération du Cotentin
Horaires en temps réel du réseau Cap Cotentin au format GTFS-RT comprenant :
- Les lignes urbaines 1 à 6
- Les lignes intercommunales A à G
This resource file is part of the dataset Réseau urbain Cap Cotentin.
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Horaires théoriques des lignes régulières et secondaires du réseau Cap Cotentin
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request with a timeout of 5 seconds. If we detect a downtime, we perform subsequent tests every 10 minutes, until the resource is back online.For SIRI and SIRI Lite feeds, we perform a
request: a 401 or 405 status code is considered successful. In case of HTTP 500, the feed will be considered unavailable, unless the body appears to contain SOAP.Validation details
❌1 457 errors, 123 warnings
Validation carried out using the current GTFS file and the GTFS-RT the 2024-11-23 at 08:04 Europe/Paris using the MobilityData GTFS-RT validator.
GTFS-rt trip_id does not exist in GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED E003 13 errors
All trip_ids provided in the GTFS-rt feed must exist in the GTFS data, unless the schedule_relationship is ADDED
Sample errors
- vehicle_id 61289ff756b38782f6019b77 trip_id 3713997-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00-1101110 does not exist in the GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED
- vehicle_id 61289ff756b38782f60199de trip_id 3714010-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00-1101110 does not exist in the GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED
- vehicle_id 61289ff756b38782f6019a4e trip_id 3714011-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00-1101110 does not exist in the GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED
- trip_id 3713898-2024_H-Mult_J&V-Jeu-Ven-00-1111100 does not exist in the GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED
- trip_id 3713997-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00-1101110 does not exist in the GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED
GTFS-rt stop_id does not exist in GTFS data E011 9 errors
All stop_ids referenced in GTFS-rt feeds must exist in GTFS stops.txt
Sample errors
- trip_id 3694807-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 stop_id 10TRA6 does not exist in GTFS data stops.txt
- trip_id 3694804-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 stop_id 10TRA6 does not exist in GTFS data stops.txt
- trip_id 3694801-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 stop_id 10TRA6 does not exist in GTFS data stops.txt
- trip_id 3694809-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 stop_id 10TRA6 does not exist in GTFS data stops.txt
- trip_id 3694808-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 stop_id 10TRA6 does not exist in GTFS data stops.txt
Sequential stop_time_update times are not increasing E022 152 errors
stop_time_update arrival/departure times between sequential stops should always increase - they should never be the same or decrease.
Sample errors
- trip_id 3700668-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 stop_sequence 15 arrival_time 08:05:50 (1732345550) is equal to previous stop arrival_time 08:05:50 (1732345550) - times must increase between two sequential stops
- trip_id 3700668-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 stop_sequence 15 arrival_time 08:05:50 (1732345550) is equal to previous stop departure_time 08:05:50 (1732345550) - times must increase between two sequential stops
- trip_id 3700668-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 stop_sequence 15 departure_time 08:05:50 (1732345550) is equal to previous stop departure_time 08:05:50 (1732345550) - times must increase between two sequential stops
- trip_id 3700668-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 stop_sequence 15 departure_time 08:05:50 (1732345550) is equal to previous stop arrival_time 08:05:50 (1732345550) - times must increase between two sequential stops
- trip_id 3695889-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 stop_sequence 18 arrival_time 08:43:00 (1732347780) is equal to previous stop arrival_time 08:43:00 (1732347780) - times must increase between two sequential stops
Vehicle position far from trip shape E029 1 error
The vehicle position should be within a certain distance of the GTFS shapes.txt data for the current trip unless there is a Service Alert with the Effect of DETOUR for this trip_id.
Sample errors
- 61289ff756b38782f6019ce5 trip_id 3694926-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 at (49.64145,-1.6653842) is more than 200.0 meters (0.12 mile(s)) from the GTFS trip shape - vehicle should be near trip shape or on DETOUR
stop_time_update doesn't have arrival or departure E043 1 265 errors
If a stop_time_update doesn't have a schedule_relationship of SKIPPED or NO_DATA, then either arrival or departure must be provided
Sample errors
- trip_id 3708389-2024_H-Mult_J&V-Jeu-Ven-00 stop_sequence 1 doesn't have arrival or departure
- trip_id 3708389-2024_H-Mult_J&V-Jeu-Ven-00 stop_sequence 2 doesn't have arrival or departure
- trip_id 3708389-2024_H-Mult_J&V-Jeu-Ven-00 stop_sequence 3 doesn't have arrival or departure
- trip_id 3708389-2024_H-Mult_J&V-Jeu-Ven-00 stop_sequence 4 doesn't have arrival or departure
- trip_id 3708389-2024_H-Mult_J&V-Jeu-Ven-00 stop_sequence 5 doesn't have arrival or departure
GTFS-rt stop_time_update stop_sequence and stop_id do not match GTFS E045 9 errors
If GTFS-rt stop_time_update contains both stop_sequence and stop_id, the values must match the GTFS data in stop_times.txt
Sample errors
- GTFS-rt trip_id 3694807-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 stop_sequence 29 has stop_id 10TRA6 but GTFS stop_sequence 29 has stop_id 10TRA2 - stop_ids should be the same
- GTFS-rt trip_id 3694804-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 stop_sequence 29 has stop_id 10TRA6 but GTFS stop_sequence 29 has stop_id 10TRA2 - stop_ids should be the same
- GTFS-rt trip_id 3694801-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 stop_sequence 29 has stop_id 10TRA6 but GTFS stop_sequence 29 has stop_id 10TRA2 - stop_ids should be the same
- GTFS-rt trip_id 3694809-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 stop_sequence 29 has stop_id 10TRA6 but GTFS stop_sequence 29 has stop_id 10TRA2 - stop_ids should be the same
- GTFS-rt trip_id 3694808-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 stop_sequence 29 has stop_id 10TRA6 but GTFS stop_sequence 29 has stop_id 10TRA2 - stop_ids should be the same
VehiclePosition and TripUpdate ID pairing mismatch E047 8 errors
If separate `VehiclePositions` and `TripUpdates` feeds are provided, `VehicleDescriptor` or `TripDescriptor` ID value pairing should match between the two feeds.
Sample errors
- trip_id 3714874-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 and vehicle_id 61289ff756b38782f6019cc2 pairing in VehiclePositions does not match trip_id 3714753-2024_H-Mult_J&V-Jeu-Ven-00 and vehicle_id 61289ff756b38782f6019cc2 pairing in TripUpdates feed and trip block_ids aren't the same - ID pairing between feeds should match
- trip_id 3714011-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00-1101110 and vehicle_id 61289ff756b38782f6019a4e pairing in VehiclePositions does not match trip_id 3713901-2024_H-Mult_J&V-Jeu-Ven-00 and vehicle_id 61289ff756b38782f6019a4e pairing in TripUpdates feed and trip block_ids aren't the same - ID pairing between feeds should match
- trip_id 3694760-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 and vehicle_id 61289ff756b38782f6019da2 pairing in VehiclePositions does not match trip_id 3708378-2024_H-Mult_J&V-Jeu-Ven-00 and vehicle_id 61289ff756b38782f6019da2 pairing in TripUpdates feed and trip block_ids aren't the same - ID pairing between feeds should match
- trip_id 3714147-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 and vehicle_id 61289ff756b38782f6019f96 pairing in VehiclePositions does not match trip_id 3713900-2024_H-Mult_J&V-Jeu-Ven-00-1111100 and vehicle_id 61289ff756b38782f6019f96 pairing in TripUpdates feed and trip block_ids aren't the same - ID pairing between feeds should match
- trip_id 3714139-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 and vehicle_id 6321db03e6d440a4960cfdce pairing in VehiclePositions does not match trip_id 3714120-2024_H-Mult_J&V-Jeu-Ven-00 and vehicle_id 6321db03e6d440a4960cfdce pairing in TripUpdates feed and trip block_ids aren't the same - ID pairing between feeds should match
ID in one feed missing from the other W003 123 errors
a trip_id that is provided in the VehiclePositions feed should be provided in the TripUpdates feed, and a vehicle_id that is provided in the TripUpdates feed should be provided in the VehiclePositions feed
Sample errors
- trip_id 3713996-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00-1101110 is in TripUpdates but not in VehiclePositions feed
- trip_id 3714154-2024_H-Mult_J&V-Jeu-Ven-00 is in TripUpdates but not in VehiclePositions feed
- trip_id 3694753-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 is in TripUpdates but not in VehiclePositions feed
- trip_id 3714002-2024_H-Mult_J&V-Jeu-Ven-00 is in TripUpdates but not in VehiclePositions feed
- trip_id 3695904-2024_H-Mult_Sam-Samedi-00 is in TripUpdates but not in VehiclePositions feed
Previous validations
Here is a recap of all the error types encountered over the last 30 days.
Error ID | Description | Errors count | Number of occurences |
E011 | All stop_ids referenced in GTFS-rt feeds must exist in GTFS stops.txt | 226 | 30 times (100 % of validations) |
E022 | stop_time_update arrival/departure times between sequential stops should always increase - they should never be the same or decrease. | 4 078 | 30 times (100 % of validations) |
E045 | If GTFS-rt stop_time_update contains both stop_sequence and stop_id, the values must match the GTFS data in stop_times.txt | 226 | 30 times (100 % of validations) |
W003 | a trip_id that is provided in the VehiclePositions feed should be provided in the TripUpdates feed, and a vehicle_id that is provided in the TripUpdates feed should be provided in the VehiclePositions feed | 1 278 | 29 times (97 % of validations) |
E043 | If a stop_time_update doesn't have a schedule_relationship of SKIPPED or NO_DATA, then either arrival or departure must be provided | 6 807 | 28 times (93 % of validations) |
E003 | All trip_ids provided in the GTFS-rt feed must exist in the GTFS data, unless the schedule_relationship is ADDED | 227 | 24 times (80 % of validations) |
E047 | If separate `VehiclePositions` and `TripUpdates` feeds are provided, `VehicleDescriptor` or `TripDescriptor` ID value pairing should match between the two feeds. | 65 | 16 times (53 % of validations) |
E029 | The vehicle position should be within a certain distance of the GTFS shapes.txt data for the current trip unless there is a Service Alert with the Effect of DETOUR for this trip_id. | 11 | 9 times (30 % of validations) |
E025 | Within the same stop_time_update, arrival and departures times can be the same, or the departure time can be later than the arrival time - the departure time should never come before the arrival time. | 14 | 7 times (23 % of validations) |
GTFS-RT feed content
Entities present in this feed at 2024-11-24 at 05:20 Europe/Paris.
trip_updates (1) vehicle_positions (1) service_alerts (0)Entities seen in the last 7 days.
trip_updates vehicle_positionsDecoded GTFS-RT feed
See full payload
Here is the decoded GTFS-RT feed Protobuf at 2024-11-24 at 05:20 Europe/Paris. You can look at the GTFS-RT documentation.
"entity": [
"id": "vehicle:61289ff756b38782f601a12c",
"vehicle": {
"current_status": "IN_TRANSIT_TO",
"current_stop_sequence": 9,
"position": {
"latitude": 49.50988006591797,
"longitude": -1.8052129745483398
"stop_id": "PIXLAN",
"timestamp": "1732422019",
"trip": {
"route_id": "B",
"trip_id": "3713886-2024_H-Mult_Dim-Dimanche-00"
"vehicle": {
"id": "61289ff756b38782f601a12c",
"label": "7104",
"license_plate": "GB-480-ES"
"id": "trip:3713886-2024_H-Mult_Dim-Dimanche-00",
"trip_update": {
"stop_time_update": [
"arrival": {
"time": "1732419983"
"departure": {
"time": "1732420266"
"stop_id": "10PEM4",
"stop_sequence": 1
"arrival": {
"time": "1732420540"
"departure": {
"time": "1732420563"
"stop_id": "10ANJ8",
"stop_sequence": 2
"arrival": {
"time": "1732420845"
"departure": {
"time": "1732420857"
"stop_id": "MARPO2",
"stop_sequence": 3
"arrival": {
"time": "1732421026"
"departure": {
"time": "1732421035"
"stop_id": "SIDHC2",
"stop_sequence": 4
"arrival": {
"time": "1732421284"
"departure": {
"time": "1732421291"
"stop_id": "VIRMA2",
"stop_sequence": 5
"arrival": {
"time": "1732421596"
"departure": {
"time": "1732421607"
"stop_id": "BENCG2",
"stop_sequence": 6
"arrival": {
"time": "1732421681"
"departure": {
"time": "1732421689"
"stop_id": "BENBG2",
"stop_sequence": 7
"arrival": {
"time": "1732421917"
"departure": {
"time": "1732421927"
"stop_id": "PIXZAF",
"stop_sequence": 8
"arrival": {
"time": "1732422150"
"departure": {
"time": "1732422150"
"stop_id": "PIXLAN",
"stop_sequence": 9
"arrival": {
"time": "1732422510"
"departure": {
"time": "1732422510"
"stop_id": "FLAHB2",
"stop_sequence": 10
"arrival": {
"time": "1732422690"
"departure": {
"time": "1732422690"
"stop_id": "FLAES1",
"stop_sequence": 11
"arrival": {
"time": "1732422990"
"departure": {
"time": "1732422990"
"stop_id": "FLAEN1",
"stop_sequence": 12
"timestamp": "1732422019",
"trip": {
"route_id": "B",
"trip_id": "3713886-2024_H-Mult_Dim-Dimanche-00"
"vehicle": {
"id": "61289ff756b38782f601a12c",
"label": "7104",
"license_plate": "GB-480-ES"
"header": {
"gtfs_realtime_version": "2.0",
"timestamp": "1732422024"