Détails de la ressource

Nom du fichier : Temps réel GTFS-RT TripUpdate
Format : gtfs-rt

Horaires de prochains passages aux arrêts

Cette ressource fait partie du jeu de données Réseau urbain Mistral.

Disponibilité au téléchargement

En savoir plus
Nous testons la disponibilité de cette ressource au téléchargement toutes les heures, en effectuant une requête HTTP de type HEAD dont le temps de réponse doit être inférieur à 5 secondes. Si nous détectons une indisponibilité, nous effectuons un nouveau test toutes les 10 minutes, jusqu'à ce que la ressource soit à nouveau disponible.

Pour les flux SIRI et SIRI Lite, nous effectuons une requête HTTP de type GET : nous considérons une réponse avec un code 401 ou 405 comme étant disponible. En cas d'erreur 500, nous considèrerons que le flux est indisponible, sauf si il semble contenir du SOAP.

Rapport de validation

640 erreurs, 293 avertissements

Validation effectuée en utilisant le fichier GTFS en vigueur et le GTFS-RT, le 20/12/2024 à 08h14 Europe/Paris avec le validateur GTFS-RT de MobilityData.


stop_times_updates not strictly sorted E002 2 erreurs

stop_time_updates for a given trip_id must be strictly sorted by increasing stop_sequence

Exemples d'erreurs

GTFS-rt trip_id does not exist in GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED E003 4 erreurs

All trip_ids provided in the GTFS-rt feed must exist in the GTFS data, unless the schedule_relationship is ADDED

Exemples d'erreurs
  • trip_id 9526 does not exist in the GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED
  • trip_id 9527 does not exist in the GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED
  • trip_id 9537 does not exist in the GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED
  • trip_id 400102 does not exist in the GTFS data and does not have schedule_relationship of ADDED

GTFS-rt route_id does not exist in GTFS data E004 4 erreurs

All route_ids provided in the GTFS-rt feed must exist in the GTFS data

Exemples d'erreurs
  • route_id 0095 does not exist in the GTFS data routes.txt
  • route_id 0095 does not exist in the GTFS data routes.txt
  • route_id 0095 does not exist in the GTFS data routes.txt
  • route_id 4001 does not exist in the GTFS data routes.txt

GTFS-rt stop_id does not exist in GTFS data E011 4 erreurs

All stop_ids referenced in GTFS-rt feeds must exist in GTFS stops.txt

Exemples d'erreurs
  • trip_id 9526 stop_id SEBRG2 does not exist in GTFS data stops.txt
  • trip_id 9527 stop_id SEBRG2 does not exist in GTFS data stops.txt
  • trip_id 400102 stop_id HYPTTF does not exist in GTFS data stops.txt
  • trip_id 400102 stop_id HYPTPO does not exist in GTFS data stops.txt

Header timestamp should be greater than or equal to all other timestamps E012 195 erreurs

No timestamps for individual entities (TripUpdate, VehiclePosition) in the feeds should be greater than the header timestamp

Exemples d'erreurs
  • trip_id 5149368 timestamp 1734678851 is greater than the header
  • trip_id 5149306 timestamp 1734678871 is greater than the header
  • trip_id 5149481 timestamp 1734678871 is greater than the header
  • trip_id 5149370 timestamp 1734678871 is greater than the header
  • trip_id 5149308 timestamp 1734678871 is greater than the header

Sequential stop_time_update times are not increasing E022 366 erreurs

stop_time_update arrival/departure times between sequential stops should always increase - they should never be the same or decrease.

Exemples d'erreurs
  • trip_id 5149485 stop_id TOCOUS arrival_time 08:27:55 (1734679675) is less than previous stop arrival_time 08:28:29 (1734679709) - times must increase between two sequential stops
  • trip_id 5149485 stop_id TOCOUS arrival_time 08:27:55 (1734679675) is less than previous stop departure_time 08:28:29 (1734679709) - times must increase between two sequential stops
  • trip_id 5149485 stop_id TOCOUS departure_time 08:27:55 (1734679675) is less than previous stop departure_time 08:28:29 (1734679709) - times must increase between two sequential stops
  • trip_id 5149485 stop_id TOCOUS departure_time 08:27:55 (1734679675) is less than previous stop arrival_time 08:28:29 (1734679709) - times must increase between two sequential stops
  • trip_id 5149485 stop_id TOBSTN arrival_time 09:14:23 (1734682463) is less than previous stop arrival_time 09:14:27 (1734682467) - times must increase between two sequential stops

stop_time_update departure time is before arrival time E025 1 erreur

Within the same stop_time_update, arrival and departures times can be the same, or the departure time can be later than the arrival time - the departure time should never come before the arrival time.

Exemples d'erreurs
  • trip_id 4881758 stop_id CRHDUS departure_time 09:05:29 (1734681929) is less than the same stop arrival_time 09:05:30 (1734681930) - departure time must be equal to or greater than arrival time

Sequential stop_time_updates have the same stop_id E037 64 erreurs

Sequential GTFS-rt trip stop_time_updates shouldn't have the same stop_id

Exemples d'erreurs
  • trip_id 5149369 has repeating stop_id TOBCAT - sequential stop_ids should be different
  • trip_id 5149369 has repeating stop_id TOTULO - sequential stop_ids should be different
  • trip_id 5149369 has repeating stop_id TOCAMO - sequential stop_ids should be different
  • trip_id 5149369 has repeating stop_id TOCLNO - sequential stop_ids should be different
  • trip_id 5149369 has repeating stop_id TORN8O - sequential stop_ids should be different


vehicle_id not populated W002 293 erreurs

vehicle_id should be populated for TripUpdates and VehiclePositions

Exemples d'erreurs
  • trip_id 5149486 does not have a vehicle_id
  • trip_id 5149370 does not have a vehicle_id
  • trip_id 5149488 does not have a vehicle_id
  • trip_id 5149371 does not have a vehicle_id
  • trip_id 5149429 does not have a vehicle_id
Valider ce GTFS-RT maintenant

Validations précédentes

Voici un récapitulatif des différents types d'erreurs constatés au cours des 30 derniers jours.

Identifiant d'erreur Description Nombre d'erreurs Nombre d'occurences
E003 All trip_ids provided in the GTFS-rt feed must exist in the GTFS data, unless the schedule_relationship is ADDED 146 29 fois (100 % des validations)
E004 All route_ids provided in the GTFS-rt feed must exist in the GTFS data 145 29 fois (100 % des validations)
E011 All stop_ids referenced in GTFS-rt feeds must exist in GTFS stops.txt 157 29 fois (100 % des validations)
E012 No timestamps for individual entities (TripUpdate, VehiclePosition) in the feeds should be greater than the header timestamp 4 265 29 fois (100 % des validations)
E022 stop_time_update arrival/departure times between sequential stops should always increase - they should never be the same or decrease. 9 684 29 fois (100 % des validations)
W002 vehicle_id should be populated for TripUpdates and VehiclePositions 7 464 29 fois (100 % des validations)
E025 Within the same stop_time_update, arrival and departures times can be the same, or the departure time can be later than the arrival time - the departure time should never come before the arrival time. 39 22 fois (76 % des validations)
E002 stop_time_updates for a given trip_id must be strictly sorted by increasing stop_sequence 36 15 fois (52 % des validations)
E037 Sequential GTFS-rt trip stop_time_updates shouldn't have the same stop_id 1 315 15 fois (52 % des validations)

Contenu du flux GTFS-RT


Entités présentes dans ce flux le 21/12/2024 à 17h08 Europe/Paris.

trip_updates (365) service_alerts (0) vehicle_positions (0)

Entités présentes dans ce flux lors des 7 derniers jours.


Flux GTFS-RT décodé

Voir le contenu du flux

Voici le flux GTFS-RT décodé au format Protobuf le 21/12/2024 à 17h08 Europe/Paris. Vous pouvez consulter la documentation GTFS-RT.

{ "entity": [ { "id": "5149817", "trip_update": { "stop_time_update": [ { "arrival": { "delay": -624, "time": "1734797316" }, "departure": { "time": "1734797940" }, "stop_id": "TOCOUS" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734797988" }, "departure": { "time": "1734797988" }, "stop_id": "VAENGS" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734798070" }, "departure": { "time": "1734798070" }, "stop_id": "VAVALS" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734798109" }, "departure": { "time": "1734798109" }, "stop_id": "VALPVE" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734798178" }, "departure": { "time": "1734798178" }, "stop_id": "VADEBN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734798223" }, "departure": { "time": "1734798223" }, "stop_id": "VAPONE" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734798358" }, "departure": { "time": "1734798358" }, "stop_id": "VABROE" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734798420" }, "departure": { "time": "1734798420" }, "stop_id": "VACHVN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734798472" }, "departure": { "time": "1734798472" }, "stop_id": "VALECN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734798540" }, "departure": { "time": "1734798540" }, "stop_id": "VAJAUN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734798575" }, "departure": { "time": "1734798575" }, "stop_id": "VAMIRO" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734798720" }, "departure": { "time": "1734798720" }, "stop_id": "TONICN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734798758" }, "departure": { "time": "1734798758" }, "stop_id": "TOBLIS" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734798842" }, "departure": { "time": "1734798842" }, "stop_id": "TOELPN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734798900" }, "departure": { "time": "1734798900" }, "stop_id": "TOBRUN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734798959" }, "departure": { "time": "1734798959" }, "stop_id": "TOECBN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734798998" }, "departure": { "time": "1734798998" }, "stop_id": "TOPVIN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734799080" }, "departure": { "time": "1734799080" }, "stop_id": "TOPSJN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734799115" }, "departure": { "time": "1734799115" }, "stop_id": "TOEGLN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734799176" }, "departure": { "time": "1734799176" }, "stop_id": "TOREGN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734799260" }, "departure": { "time": "1734799260" }, "stop_id": "TOMERN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734799405" }, "departure": { "time": "1734799405" }, "stop_id": "TOAMIN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734799474" }, "departure": { "time": "1734799474" }, "stop_id": "TOCMAN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734799574" }, "departure": { "time": "1734799574" }, "stop_id": "TOCLEN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734799680" }, "departure": { "time": "1734799680" }, "stop_id": "TOSTRN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734799800" }, "departure": { "time": "1734799800" }, "stop_id": "TOLIBI" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734799920" }, "departure": { "time": "1734799920" }, "stop_id": "TOPOBN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734800006" }, "departure": { "time": "1734800006" }, "stop_id": "TOCASN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734800100" }, "departure": { "time": "1734800100" }, "stop_id": "TOFOCN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734800220" }, "departure": { "time": "1734800220" }, "stop_id": "TOBIDN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734800300" }, "departure": { "time": "1734800300" }, "stop_id": "TOPDSN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734800390" }, "departure": { "time": "1734800390" }, "stop_id": "TOBNRN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734800460" }, "departure": { "time": "1734800460" }, "stop_id": "TOBRCN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734800485" }, "departure": { "time": "1734800485" }, "stop_id": "TOBRE6" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734800512" }, "departure": { "time": "1734800512" }, "stop_id": "TOBSTN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734800559" }, "departure": { "time": "1734800559" }, "stop_id": "TODUSN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734800585" }, "departure": { "time": "1734800585" }, "stop_id": "TOPASN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734800640" }, "departure": { "time": "1734800640" }, "stop_id": "TOPESN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734800710" }, "departure": { "time": "1734800710" }, "stop_id": "TOCOEN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734800799" }, "departure": { "time": "1734800799" }, "stop_id": "TORN8N" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734800880" }, "departure": { "time": "1734800880" }, "stop_id": "TOPON2" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734800958" }, "departure": { "time": "1734800958" }, "stop_id": "TOCLNE" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734801020" }, "departure": { "time": "1734801020" }, "stop_id": "TOCAME" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734801060" }, "departure": { "time": "1734801060" }, "stop_id": "TOTULE" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734801120" }, "departure": { "time": "1734801120" }, "stop_id": "TOBCAT" } ], "timestamp": "1734797330", "trip": { "route_id": "0001", "trip_id": "5149817" }, "vehicle": {} } }, { "id": "5149814", "trip_update": { "stop_time_update": [ { "arrival": { "delay": -1074, "time": "1734793266" }, "departure": { "delay": -20, "time": "1734794320" }, "stop_id": "TOCOUS" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -38, "time": "1734794350" }, "departure": { "delay": -38, "time": "1734794350" }, "stop_id": "VAENGS" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -82, "time": "1734794388" }, "departure": { "delay": -38, "time": "1734794432" }, "stop_id": "VAVALS" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -74, "time": "1734794435" }, "departure": { "delay": -58, "time": "1734794451" }, "stop_id": "VALPVE" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -74, "time": "1734794504" }, "departure": { "delay": -58, "time": "1734794520" }, "stop_id": "VADEBN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -62, "time": "1734794561" }, "departure": { "delay": -62, "time": "1734794561" }, "stop_id": "VAPONE" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -137, "time": "1734794621" }, "departure": { "delay": -137, "time": "1734794621" }, "stop_id": "VABROE" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -139, "time": "1734794681" }, "departure": { "delay": -138, "time": "1734794682" }, "stop_id": "VACHVN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -128, "time": "1734794744" }, "departure": { "delay": -128, "time": "1734794744" }, "stop_id": "VALECN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -102, "time": "1734794838" }, "departure": { "delay": -90, "time": "1734794850" }, "stop_id": "VAJAUN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -84, "time": "1734794891" }, "departure": { "delay": -84, "time": "1734794891" }, "stop_id": "VAMIRO" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -132, "time": "1734794988" }, "departure": { "delay": -131, "time": "1734794989" }, "stop_id": "TONICN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -145, "time": "1734795013" }, "departure": { "delay": -145, "time": "1734795013" }, "stop_id": "TOBLIS" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -145, "time": "1734795097" }, "departure": { "delay": -145, "time": "1734795097" }, "stop_id": "TOELPN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -148, "time": "1734795152" }, "departure": { "delay": 15, "time": "1734795315" }, "stop_id": "TOBRUN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": 16, "time": "1734795375" }, "departure": { "delay": 16, "time": "1734795375" }, "stop_id": "TOECBN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": 7, "time": "1734795405" }, "departure": { "delay": 37, "time": "1734795435" }, "stop_id": "TOPVIN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": 45, "time": "1734795525" }, "departure": { "delay": 45, "time": "1734795525" }, "stop_id": "TOPSJN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": 44, "time": "1734795559" }, "departure": { "delay": 77, "time": "1734795592" }, "stop_id": "TOEGLN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": 70, "time": "1734795646" }, "departure": { "delay": 77, "time": "1734795653" }, "stop_id": "TOREGN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": 47, "time": "1734795707" }, "departure": { "delay": 77, "time": "1734795737" }, "stop_id": "TOMERN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": 22, "time": "1734795827" }, "departure": { "delay": 78, "time": "1734795883" }, "stop_id": "TOAMIN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": 44, "time": "1734795918" }, "departure": { "delay": 77, "time": "1734795951" }, "stop_id": "TOCMAN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": 66, "time": "1734796040" }, "departure": { "delay": 78, "time": "1734796052" }, "stop_id": "TOCLEN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": 50, "time": "1734796130" }, "departure": { "delay": 87, "time": "1734796167" }, "stop_id": "TOSTRN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": 23, "time": "1734796223" }, "departure": { "delay": 82, "time": "1734796282" }, "stop_id": "TOLIBI" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -8, "time": "1734796312" }, "departure": { "delay": 22, "time": "1734796342" }, "stop_id": "TOPOBN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -34, "time": "1734796372" }, "departure": { "delay": 23, "time": "1734796429" }, "stop_id": "TOCASN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -45, "time": "1734796455" }, "departure": { "delay": -6, "time": "1734796494" }, "stop_id": "TOFOCN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -66, "time": "1734796554" }, "departure": { "delay": -36, "time": "1734796584" }, "stop_id": "TOBIDN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -86, "time": "1734796614" }, "departure": { "delay": -86, "time": "1734796614" }, "stop_id": "TOPDSN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -115, "time": "1734796675" }, "departure": { "delay": -85, "time": "1734796705" }, "stop_id": "TOBNRN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -124, "time": "1734796736" }, "departure": { "delay": -63, "time": "1734796797" }, "stop_id": "TOBRCN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -58, "time": "1734796827" }, "departure": { "delay": -58, "time": "1734796827" }, "stop_id": "TOBRE6" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -28, "time": "1734796884" }, "departure": { "delay": -12, "time": "1734796900" }, "stop_id": "TOBSTN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": 27, "time": "1734796986" }, "departure": { "delay": 28, "time": "1734796987" }, "stop_id": "TODUSN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": 28, "time": "1734797013" }, "departure": { "delay": 53, "time": "1734797038" }, "stop_id": "TOPASN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": 35, "time": "1734797075" }, "departure": { "delay": 52, "time": "1734797092" }, "stop_id": "TOPESN" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734797110" }, "departure": { "delay": 25, "time": "1734797135" }, "stop_id": "TOCOEN" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -34, "time": "1734797165" }, "departure": { "delay": 25, "time": "1734797224" }, "stop_id": "TORN8N" }, { "arrival": { "delay": 6, "time": "1734797286" }, "departure": { "delay": 25, "time": "1734797305" }, "stop_id": "TOPON2" }, { "arrival": { "delay": 7, "time": "1734797365" }, "departure": { "delay": 7, "time": "1734797365" }, "stop_id": "TOCLNE" }, { "arrival": { "delay": 7, "time": "1734797427" }, "departure": { "delay": 7, "time": "1734797427" }, "stop_id": "TOCAME" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -4, "time": "1734797456" }, "departure": { "delay": -4, "time": "1734797456" }, "stop_id": "TOTULE" }, { "arrival": { "delay": -4, "time": "1734797516" }, "departure": { "delay": -4, "time": "1734797516" }, "stop_id": "TOBCAT" } ], "timestamp": "1734797350", "trip": { "route_id": "0001", "trip_id": "5149814" }, "vehicle": { "id": "249", "label": "249" } } }, { "id": "5149782", "trip_update": { "stop_time_update": [ { "arrival": { "delay": -484, "time": "1734797516" }, "departure": { "time": "1734798000" }, "stop_id": "TOBCAT" }, { "arrival": { "time": "1734798060" }, "departure": { "time": "1734798060" }, "stop_id": "TOTULO" }, 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