Trottinettes Voi Marseille
created on 2023-07-25
- Format
- NeTEx
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing
created on 2021-10-11
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing
Vélos et Trottinettes Pony Bordeaux
created on 2021-10-11
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing
Vélos Pony Paris
created on 2021-08-06
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing
VLS CYCLOlibre Carcassonne
CA Carcassonne Agglo
created on 2024-06-06
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing
VLS Vélam Amiens
CA Amiens Métropole
created on 2024-05-03
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing
VLS VéloZef Brest
Brest Métropole
created on 2023-10-10
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing