
Trottinettes Dott France
created on 2024-12-10
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing

Trottinettes Dott CA Saint Germain Boucles de Seine (CASGBS)
Île-de-France Mobilités
created on 2025-02-04
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing

Trottinettes Dott Communauté Urbaine Grand Paris Seine & Oise (GPSEO)
Île-de-France Mobilités
created on 2025-02-04
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing

Trottinettes Dott Paris
Île-de-France Mobilités
created on 2021-09-08
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing

Trottinettes Dott Syndicat Intercommunal d'Etudes des Mobilités Urbaines Marne-la-Vallée (SIEMU)
Île-de-France Mobilités
created on 2025-02-04
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing

Vélos Pony Paris
created on 2021-08-06
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing

Trottinettes Dott Lyon
SM des transports pour le Rhône et l'agglomération lyonnaise (SYTRAL)
created on 2025-02-04
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing

Trottinettes Dott OL Vallée
SM des transports pour le Rhône et l'agglomération lyonnaise (SYTRAL)
created on 2025-02-04
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing

VLS V'lille Lille
Métropole Européenne de Lille
created on 2024-05-29
- Format
- gbfs
- ogc api features
- ogc:wfs
- ogc:wms
Bike and scooter sharing

Trottinettes Voi Marseille
created on 2023-07-25
- Format
- NeTEx
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing

Trottinettes Dott Bordeaux
Bordeaux Métropole
created on 2025-02-04
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing

Trottinettes Dott Grenoble
Syndicat Mixte des Mobilités de l'Aire Grenobloise
created on 2025-02-04
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing

Vélos et Trottinettes Pony Grenoble
Syndicat Mixte des Mobilités de l'Aire Grenobloise
created on 2021-10-11
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing

Vélos et Trottinettes Pony Bordeaux
created on 2021-10-11
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing

Vélos et trottinettes Voi Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
created on 2025-01-27
- Format
- NeTEx
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing
created on 2025-01-08
- Format
- NeTEx
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing
created on 2021-10-11
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing

VLS CYCLOlibre Carcassonne
CA Carcassonne Agglo
created on 2024-06-06
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing

Trottinettes Dott Bourgoin-Jaillieu
CA Porte de l'Isère (CAPI)
created on 2025-02-04
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing

VLS ViVélo Vichy Communauté
CA Vichy Communauté
created on 2024-11-15
- Format
- gbfs
Bike and scooter sharing